Mersive Solstice
Training and Certification Program
The Solstice Training and Certification is open to all Mersive partners who wish to become Solstice certified, as well as end users who wish to simply brush up on their knowledge of Solstice. The program provides a comprehensive overview of the Solstice product suite, including features and functionality as well as deployment considerations and best practices.
If you have technical difficulties or general questions about the training and certification program, please email us at Good luck!
Solstice Training & Certification
Each video is followed by a quiz that you must pass with a score of 80% in order to become Solstice certified. Upon successful completion of the certification program, you will receive an email with your certificate.
To receive CTS credit, submit your certificate to the AVIXA certification department for review when it comes time to renew your certification.

If you do not wish to take the quizzes but are interested in learning about Solstice, watch the videos below.
Solstice Training Videos
The Solstice Training and Certification Program is AVIXA CTS certified for renewal units (RUs), CTS, and CTS-D.