The workplace has undergone a massive disruption and now as organizations return to the office, there are many new policies and protocols that employees need to be reminded of when they enter the workplace. Digital signage offers a great technology solution to this challenge and with Mersive Solstice you can easily extend digital signage into your meeting spaces through our HTML-based digital signage integration. Here are four ways Solstice digital signage can help support the return to office.
4 Ways to Use Solstice Digital Signage in the Return-to-Work Era
1. Company-Wide Messaging and New Office Protocols
A lot has changed over the past two years. There are now safety protocols everywhere we go. How often are people cleaning? What filters are being used? We see these messages to ease our concerns and it’s no different in the office. Use Solstice digital signage to easily inform your workforce on what’s being done in the office and what guidelines you expect them to follow while meeting in collaboration spaces. Templates are available to help streamline the process while keeping a consistent on-brand look across all your spaces. And you can pair Solstice with Tripleplay’s IPTV solution to enable the delivery of live broadcast and video streams to displays on an IP network. This solution is flexible and scalable, allowing the multicast delivery of content to tens of thousands of endpoints with very minimal network impact.

Are there new employees that started at your company since the pandemic? I know at Mersive I have team members whom I’ve never met in person. A great way to introduce these “new” coworkers and build team morale is to feature them on digital signage throughout your office via employee spotlights. Include images with a quick bio – and all the sudden you feel like you know them, and they don’t feel like such a strange face around the office. Appspace integrates with Mersive to provide digital signage tools focused on user simplicity and scalability. With their modern, customizable templates, organizations can create personalized, branded content for all their displays without any coding or clunky software. Learn how Appspace and their platform solves digital signage needs and beyond.
Commute? Oh yeah! I’ve forgotten what rush hour traffic feels like since working from home for the past two years. As an organization, help your employees transition back to office life and prepare for their evening commute and inclement weather by scheduling daily traffic and weather signage that displays at the same time each workday. Bad traffic? No problem, maybe the team steps out for a quick happy hour next door before heading home. Upcoming snowstorm? Just grab your gear and work from home for the following days to avoid the stress. With Carousel Digital Signage, users can schedule playlists with recurring events, set a time range for each asset to play, and easily manage within Carousel Cloud. This is a great option for traffic, weather, and other regular announcements.
4. Celebrate Important Dates – Events, Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc.
Now that we’re back in the office it’s easier and important to celebrate milestones together again. Enable Solstice digital signage with a calendar view of monthly team or company-wide accomplishments, events, birthdays, anniversaries, and more. Displaying these milestones in meeting spaces when the technology is not in use for content sharing is a simple way to build morale and foster a team environment – exactly what’s needed after spending extended time working remotely. Engineered with an intuitive and simple interface, 22Miles supports quick and easy projects to complex facility builds by providing a flexible platform to support many use cases, including showcasing calendar and event information.
Other Ideas for Digital Signage Use
- For main spaces such as open waiting areas with displays that are viewable by guests and employees walking through the office, we recommend including more static digital signage that doesn’t need to update as frequently.
- Date, time, & weather
- Current or industry news & events
- Company branding & messaging
- Company announcements & awards
- Sales dashboards – charts & graphs
- Recent marketing – TV spots, product videos, etc.
- Customer testimonials & photos
- For meeting rooms where teams spend time sitting and have time to read while waiting for a meeting to begin, we recommend including more dynamic digital signage that can be updated from month to month.